“The street is the poster gallery”
The Artists
Roman CieSlewicz 1930-1996
Born in Lwów, Cieslewicz studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. In 1963 he moved to Paris, where he lived and worked for the remainder of his life. He worked in poster art, book typography, photomontage and collage. Major awards: WAG Trepkowski Prize 1955; Film Poster Exhibition, Warsaw 1956, Central Film Office Prize; International Film Poster Exhibition, Karlove Vary 1964, first prize; National Poster Biennale, Katowice, Silver Medal 1965, Gold Medal 1967, 1971; International Poster Biennale, Warsaw, Gold Medal 1972, Bronze Medal 1984; Polish Poster Biennale, Katowice 1973, Gold Medal; Poster Biennale, Lahti 1993, second prize.
Stasys Eidrigevicius b.1949
Born in Modinishki, Lithuania, Stasys studied at the Institute of Fine Arts in Vilna. He has lived in Poland since 1980. He works in painting, book illustration, theater design, and posters. Major awards include: International Film Festival, Chicago 1987, film poster competition Gold Jugo; International Art Directors Club Exhibition, New York 1988, Silver Medal; Polish Poster Biennial, Katowice 1989, Bronze Medal; Poster Biennial, Lahti 1989, Grand Prix; Warsaw 1990, Bronze Medal; International Biennale of the Poster, Mexico 1990, third prize; International Poster Triennial, Toyama 1994, Gold Medal.
Wiktor Górka 1922-2004
Born in Komorowice, Gorka studied at the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. He also taught art in Mexico from 1971-1991. Major awards include: International Poster Exhibition, Karlove Vary, Second Prize 1964; International Exhibition of Tourism Posters, Milan, first prize 1967, best poster of the year in the category of cultural posters, Warsaw 1968.
MieczysLaw Górowski 1941-2011
Born in Nowy Sacz and studied at the the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, where he taught for many years. He worked in poster design, applied design, interior design and painting. Major awards: International Poster Invitational, Fort Collins, Colorado, 1983, first prize; International Poster Triennial, Toyama 1985, Bronze Medal; International Poster Salon, Paris awards, 1986, 1987; International Art Directors Club Exhibition, New York 1987, award; International Biennial of the Poster, Mexico 1992, first prize in the category "America today, 500 years later.
Jan Lenica 1928-2001
Born in Poznan, Lenica studied in the Faculty of Architecture at the Poznan Technical University. He worked in satirical cartoon drawing, illustration, graphic art and graphic design, exhibition design, scenography, posters, animated films. Major awards include: National Exhibition of Illustration, Posters and Small Format Graphics, Warsaw, 1955, first prize; Film Poster Exhibition, Warsaw 1956, Central Film Office prize; Toulouse-Lautrec Grand Prix, Versailles 1961; International Film Poster Exhibition, Karlove Vary 1962, first and third prizes, International Poster Biennial, Warsaw 1966, gold Medal; International Tourism Poster Exhibition, Catania, 1971, Gold Medal; Prix Jules Cheret, France 1985.
Jan Młodożeniec 1929-2000
Born in Warsaw and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the Department of Graphic Arts and Posters in the studio of Henryk Tomaszewski. He worked in posters, drawing, book and publication design, and illustration. Major awards: Film Poster Exhibition, Warsaw, 1956, Polish Central Film Office Award; International Film Poser Exhibiton, Vienna 1965, second prize; Polish Poster Biennale, Katowice, Silver Medal 1971, Bronze Medal 1977, Gold and Bronze Medals, 1981; International Poster Biennale, Warsaw 1980, Gold Medal; Poster Biennale, Lahti 1983, first prize.
Tomasz Sarnecki 1966-2018
Born in Warsaw, Sarnecki studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Sarnecki worked in illustration, graphic design and posters. He designed the famous 1989 "High Noon" Solidarity Poster.
Franciszek Starowieyski 1930-2009
Born in Cracow, Starowieyski studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow. He worked in graphic design, drawing, theater, television scenography, murals and posters. He was the originator of the "Theater of Drawing." Major Awards include: International Biennial of the Arts, Sao Paulo 1973, award; Cannes Film Festival 1974, film poster award; International Poster Biennial, Warsaw, Silver Medal 1974, 1978; International Film Festival, Chicago, film poster Gold Plaque 1979, film poster competition Silver Hugo 1982.
Waldemar Swierzy 1931-2013
Born in Katowice, Swierzy studied at the Katowice Branch of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kracow. He taught at both the Poznan Academy of Fine Arts and the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. He worked in posters, publication, design, illustration and exhibition design. Major awards include; WAG Trepkowski Award, 1956; Toulouse-Lautrec Grand Prix, Versailles 1959; Polish Poster Biennial, Katowice, Gold Medal, 1965, 1971, 1975, Silver Medal 1977, 1987, 1989; International Tourism Poster Exhibition, Mediolan 1967, Silver Medal; International Biennale of the Arts, Sao Paulo 1969, first prize; International Poster Biennial, Warsaw, Silver Medal 1972, Gold Medal 1976.
Henryk Tomaszewski 1914-2005
Born in Warsaw, Tomaszewski studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He taught there from 1952-1985 and was granted the title Honorary Royal Designer for Industry by the Royal Society of Arts, London. Though he studied commercial art, satirical illustrations and stage design, he devoted himself to poster design for most of his career. He was highly influential as a professor and many of his students went on to become influential poster artists in Poland. Major awards include: International Biennal of the Arts, Sao Paulo 1963, first prize; International Poster Biennal, Warsaw, Silver and Gold Medals 1988, Bronze Medal 1994; National Poster Biennale, Katowice 1967, Gold Medal; Polish Poster Biennal, Katowice, Silver Medal 1975, 1977, Grand Prix 1979, first prize; International Poster Triennial, Toyama, Bronze Medal 1991, Silver Medal 1994.
WiesLaw WaLkuski b.1956
Born in Bialystok, Walkulski studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He works in painting, illustration and posters. Major awards include: International Film Festival, Chicago 1986, Best Poster Gold Plaque; International Biennial of the Poster, Mexico 1990, second prize; International Art Directors Club Exhibition, New York 1992, Silver Medal; International Theater Poster Biennale, Rzeszów 1993, third prize.